Pest Management

Pest Management

Mosquito Control

Mosquito Control

About Mosquito

Mosquitoes are common, flying insects that live in most parts of the world. Over 3,500 types of mosquitoes can be found worldwide. The mosquito life cycle consists of egg, larva, pupa and adult stages.


Adult mosquitoes live for about 2 to 4 weeks depending on the species, humidity, temperature, and other factors. Only female mosquitoes bite people and animals to get a blood meal. When mosquitoes bite people, the most common reactions to the bite are itching and swelling.


Some mosquitoes can be vectors. A vector is an animal, insect, or tick that spreads pathogens (germs) to people and animals. The germs (viruses and parasites) that mosquitoes spread can make you sick.



Public Photos / Files - bullet_point Pour out any standing water

Public Photos / Files - bullet_point Use windows with screens to keep mosquitoes outside

Public Photos / Files - bullet_point Use effective mosquito repellent, i.e. Picaridin, DEET, etc

Public Photos / Files - bullet_point Wear light-colored and looser fits clothing

Public Photos / Files - bullet_point Make your aroma less appealing

Public Photos / Files - bullet_point For heavy mosquitoes infestation, it is recommended to contact professional pest management company.